I have met some wonderful people through my business. That is a big reason why I continue to do what I do. Recently, I was introduced to a lady who had some questions about dahlias. I have been growing dahlias since 2013 but by no means do I consider myself a dahlia doyen but I agreed to help her with her questions.
Originally B was asking about how to get dahlias started indoors so they have a jump on the season once they are planted outside. We e-mailed back and forth and she asked if I sell my tubers. I confirmed that I did have some tubers for sale and she immediately asked to come by.
Upon arrival, we chatted about how she started growing dahlias, which is an interesting story. Last year, B was celebrating a special birthday. She really wanted all her birthday guests to be able to take home a bouquet of flowers. So, she planned to grow 600 dahlias in the Spring of 2023 for the first time in her life. She admitted to me that she is now hooked on dahlias and is planning to plant at least that many again this year. B celebrated her eightieth birthday last year and the party as well as the dahlia bouquets for her guests turned out really well.
I am so happy to have met B. I had always hoped that I could still be growing flowers when I am seventy but perhaps now, I can tack on another decade to my gardening expiry date!
P.S. B claims that yoga 3 times a week is what keeps her young in body and spirit. I can attest that she definitely looks younger than 80.