• Ready Made Bouquet

    The freshest seasonal flowers are available with 24 hour notice. They will be picked and arranged for you to include whatever is looking best in the field. These bouquets come in 2 size options
    • $30 in a mason jar and
    • $60 in vase with additional flowers.
    Pick up at the farm or the Newmarket Farmers’ Market. Delivery can also be arranged.
  • This subscription starts in April and will run for 7 months with one delivery each month. The arrangements will vary depending on the time of year. In April it will be mainly Spring flowers; tulips, narcissi, lilacs gradually moving into peonies and summer flowers and ending with a pumpkin arrangement in October. Each month you will receive something new and interesting. An excellent gift for the flower lover in your life.
  • This subscription will start any time after June 20th until the end of August. It is a 4 week subscription delivered once a week to Stouffville, Aurora or Newmarket. Each bouquet will be made up of the best sunflowers we have to offer at that time. Sunflowers are such cheery blooms that you can’t help but smile when you see them.
  • Four weekly, fabulous spring bouquets delivered to your door in Stouffville, Aurora and Newmarket. As soon as Mother Nature warms things up enough for our earliest flowers to start blooming, we will be happy to share them with you. Spring bouquets are made up of tulips, daffodils, columbine, pussy willows, and many other early blooms. These are extra special after our winter season. Get one for yourself and one for a friend.
  • 4 weeks, one bouquet each week delivered to your door in Stouffville, Newmarket or Aurora. This subscription starts at the end of June.
  • What is this membership for?

    The flower fields at Perennial Petals are generally not open to the public. Because we are a working farm, we are focused on growing the best cut flowers for our customers. However, this year would like to share the floral beauty with other flower lovers. With this membership you get access to the flower fields once a month to pick a bucket of your favourites. This opportunity will be offered in July, August and September. You will have access to the fields on Tuesdays from 4pm to 7pm. Come to the farm once a month and use the studio to create your own arrangements or relax on one of our many scenic perches and soak in the atmosphere. It’s your time to spend how you desire; restfully to recharge.
  • 12 weeks of blooms. The flowers will change as the seasons change starting with daffodils, tulips, peonies, lilacs followed by an array of colourful annuals, sunflowers and dahlias. The subscription starts when Mother Nature is ready usually in mid May.
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