Fairy QueenOn the last Sunday of July 2021, we had a Fairy Festival at Perennial Petals Flower Farm and it was a magical success.

When I started planning this event and telling people about it, many asked “Where did you get the idea to do something like that?” I honestly don’t know but it had been percolating in the back of my mind for a while. Perhaps a seed was sown during a trip to Ireland where fairies are in abundance or maybe it was because of all the talk of Fairy Doors in Stouffville with an actual trail to follow in order to find them. I am not sure what sparked the idea but I know that little girls love pink and purple and fairy wings. I know that fairies live in flower gardens and I have lots of flowers, so why not connect the dots and offer a venue where all this magic could take place.

“The most beautiful world is always entered
through imagination.”

little fairyWe encouraged everyone to bring their wings and make flower crowns, have their faces painted, search for hidden treasures, visit the secret garden, get their pictures taken with petal wings and generally have a relaxing, fantastical visit at the flower farm.

I had envisioned this as a mother/daughter event but we had lots of dads, brothers, aunties and BFF’s come as well. THE most adorable fairies visited the farm. Anywhere from 20 months to 10 years of age. They were too cute for words and just a pleasure to entertain.

In the chaotic turmoil that was 2021, it was wonderful to be able to suspend reality for an afternoon and believe in all the special things that fairies represent: kindness, impish shenanigans, and a miniature world of beauty and wonder.

If I had any doubt that all the weeks of planning and preparation was worth it, the doubts were wiped away when we got feedback like these comments…

“At the end of the day, one young visitor asked her mom if she could start the day over because she wanted to go back to visit the fairies again.”

“Such a great event, Lizzy is still talking about it and making wishes on her fairy necklace.”

We are already planning for next year’s event on the last Sunday of July. Make sure you sign up for the Perennial Petals newsletter because subscribers will be the first to hear about the details.

flower fairy